OC Copywriter Blog
Marketing - Writer - OC, CA Local
So, you want to know about me..
I mean there's not really much to know. I come from Orange County, CA and still live here.
I've been walking down the path of working hard, studying hard and experiencing the ups and downs of life whether it be in Business, Relationships, Skills, and so on. If there's one thing I do want to do with this, its to be able to learn about myself and by doing that I'm taking my jump
As selfish as that sounds, I believe we are all selfish even when we help others and that's ok because, in the end, you find out a lot about yourself. And I think that's why you're here, to learn, to expand yourself, and put yourself ahead in life. To take your jump.
Ive taken so many odd jobs and skills that have no connection in the eyes of a normal person like:
Debt Collector
Real Estate
Martial Arts Instructor
Day Care Center
Watch Trading
Stock Trading
I can literally keep going...
I promise though, in some way or another, they all connect in Marketing or at least Business in general. And I'm hoping through the Blogs you can also see how they will all connect as we go on this journey together. That's it really, You'll know me more as we continue walking together!